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Volunteer With Us!

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The 500 Festival is a nonprofit organization, and we rely on a dedicated team of volunteers to ensure our events and programs continue to enrich the lives of half a million people every year. Working together in true Hoosier spirit, our volunteers help create an exciting and impactful community-led road to the Indianapolis 500.

The 500 Festival Volunteer Program, presented by Citizens Energy Group, offers more than 100 areas of volunteer opportunity, providing a role to fit every interest and ability. We’re looking for individuals and groups who are interested in using their time and talent to support our wide variety of programs and events, such as the AES 500 Festival Parade, the IU Health 500 Festival Mini-Marathon, and the Salesforce & JPMorganChase 500 Festival Kids’ Day.

Group Opportunities

Volunteering with the 500 Festival is a fun and engaging way for your organization to take teambuilding into the community. Great opportunities for groups include manning a water station for the Mini-Marathon, volunteering at an Education Program Study Trip at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, or serving as balloon walkers in the Parade. Email volunteer@500festival.com and we'll find the right opportunity for your group.


Please email us at volunteer@500festival.com.

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