Gear Check
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Gear Check

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Provided by UPS

If you have items you need to store during the race, you may do so prior to the race near packet pick-up. Please note that this area will not be monitored by security. There will be 500 Festival volunteers positioned at gear check to keep belongings organized, but the 500 Festival and Fowling Warehouse will NOT be responsible or liable for any lost or misplaced items. You are checking your items at your own risk. Participants are not allowed to leave their belongings in unmarked areas for security purposes. Any items left unattended will be confiscated and removed from the building. Do NOT leave your items unattended in the building.

Participants who wish to check their gear at the UPS Gear Check stations MUST use the plastic bag provided at the Gear Check tables (Backpacks or duffle bags will not be accepted). Volunteers working at the station will tie a gear check tag corresponding with the participant's bib number to the bag. Participants may check one bag at each event. If you do check your items, please don’t forget them after the race.
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