Employee Wellness Challenge
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Employee Wellness Challenge

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The 500 Festival Employee Wellness Challenge offers organizations the opportunity to participate as a team in the IU Health 500 Festival Mini-Marathon and Delta Dental 500 Festival 5K! Teams receive perks, including discounted registration costs, training resources, contests, and it's free to join! The Employee Wellness Challenge is a simple, yet impactful way to invest in the well-being of your employees while staying active and having fun. Encourage comradery amongst your team and join the Challenge today!

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  • No-cost to join the Employee Wellness Challenge
  • Discounted registration prices for staff, family, and friends
  • Promotional and training materials provided
  • Team Captain receives free registration
  • Team awards
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    • Opportunity to secure a tent space within The Infield at Post Race Party
    • Cover a portion of all of employee and/or family & friends’ registration costs
    • Opportunity for an on-site registration drive hosted by the 500 Festival
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    Registration Options

    Option 1: Company covers registration

    Companies can choose to cover registration for their employees. Challenging each other and training for a race together is a great way to build comradery, team relationships, and encourage a healthy lifestyle. Employee Wellness Challenge company teams receive our best pricing throughout the registration process. You will receive a unique URL link to share with your employees to register and join the team.

    Option 2: Employee covers registration

    Complete the sign-up form, designate a team captain, and we will send a specialzied URL registration link providng discounted registration costs.
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    2024 Employee Wellness Challenge Results

    Employee Wellness Challenge – Fastest Indy Mini Team

    1. Rolls Royce
    2. Eli Lilly and Company
    3. Group 1001

    Employee Wellness Challenge – Fastest 5K Team

    1. Eli Lilly and Company
    2. Rolls Royce
    3. Community Health Network
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    For any questions about how to get involved with the Employee Wellness Challenge, please contact raceinfo@500festival.com

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